
Client: Creating 010
Date: 2020
Role: UX/UI designer
Agency: School



The client of this project was WeTransfer, a product management company founded in 2010 in Amsterdam

Target audience

AV specialists between the ages of 18 and 30

Assignment and context

As a provider of various process-supporting tools, WeTransfer sees the competition increasingly responding and expanding in the field of online and remote working. Through this development, WeTransfer continues to strive for the goal of supporting creative professionals in their creative process. Professionals often get too bogged down, which means that good ideas fail. That is why WeTransfer has commissioned us to respond to this with an online tool.

Problems: among our target group, communication between AV specialist, customer and director does not always run smoothly and there are too many different communication platforms.

That is why we have sharpened our design question to; “How can we ensure that the delivery process between AV specialist and customer runs smoother and more efficiently by means of an online tool?”



In this phase we started laying the foundation for our project and delving into the context, target group and other stakeholders. An important insight we gained from this was that the target group experiences miscommunication between clients, colleagues and directors. They also value creativity, clarity and originality.

1. Persona


In this phase we further defined the problem using the Frame the Problem method and generated ideas based on this through creative sessions and Crazy 8’s. While generating these ideas we kept our design principles in mind to ensure that they match them as closely as possible. We have come up with a number of useful concepts, such as a tool with which you can receive feedback from professionals, a tool with which you can efficiently have shots assessed by your colleague, customer or director and a tool with which you can collaborate with the customer. 

2. Crazy 8s 1
3. Crazy 8s 2
3. Crazy 8s 3
4. Solution sketch 1
6. Solution sketch 3
5. Solution sketch 2


We chose one of the three concepts to continue with after feedback from WeTransfer, which is the tool that allows you to rate shots. In this phase we started working on further developing the design so that we could test it. To work out the design, we divided the screens within our team; I was tasked with working out the home page screens for the audiovisual specialist throughout the iteration process. We did all this on the basis of mini sprints in which we worked out the prototype and then tested it with respondents and analyzed the test, after which the iterating process was repeated. We tested it on areas such as functionality and usability. To maintain consistency in our design even though we all worked out different screens, we used a design system.

7. Wireframe schetsen
8. Prototype iteratie 1
13. Prototype iteratie 2
9. Buttons
10. Color styles
11. Text styles
12. Componenten


In this last phase we concluded our iteration process with a final iteration of our prototype and collected our results and refined a clear, elaborated concept that we could show to the client: Select.

Key insights

→ Communication between customer, AV specialist and/or director takes place via many different platforms (whatsapp, mail, calling, social media) so that communication is difficult and misconceptions arise

→ A lot of correction rounds cause irritation among AV people

→ Smooth cooperation is essential for AV professionals, but because there is often a lack of clarity about different roles, there’s a potential for this to not go as smooth as desired


Select is an online platform where AV specialists can involve various stakeholders in a project. Clients, but also directors or colleagues, for example, can rate the various shots that have been recorded and leave short feedback on specific pieces. In addition, Select has various communication options such as chat and it contains a delivery function for the final products of AV professionals, so that delivery of the final product also takes place at the same place.

This way, all communication takes place via one platform and we shorten the correction rounds because the customer or director is involved all the time and there is the possibility for the AV person to provide clarity about his intention with the shots so as to prevent misconceptions.

View prototype